Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

English TOEFL

I was very happy to know that my score was above 600, even though it was slight, because my ultimate goal was to get 600. And knowing I've achieved it and more made me satisfied. I think I still need to work on my listening and reading, especially reading comprehension.

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013


Ini adalah proyek geografi tentang relief dasar lautan. Dari proyek ini saya lebih mengerti dengan relief lautan.

Math Carnival Reflection

In our school's math carnival, Josua and I made an 'angry bird' themed game, which is trying to throw the green pigs with a tennis ball from a particular distance. The prizes were wafers, chocolate and candies. The income we got was Rp 48.000, and the game went well too. There were some teachers who also went to our stand and knocked down a couple figures. If there were things that I think that we need to improve, I think it would be the prices of the balls, we would've made it cheaper, and the complexity of the game. I think our game is a little boring because usually in carnivals there would be lots of stands that would offer this game in a different form. Overall, I think this game could be improved to attract more students and teachers

Senin, 18 Februari 2013


Globalisasi adalah proses dimana antarindividu, antarkelompok, maupun antatnegara berinteraksi, berkomunikasi dan saling bergantung yang melewati batas-batas negara.

Ini adalah hasil kerja kami:

Pantun Agama

Ibu sedang marah-marah
Karena adik kurang sopan
Jangan lupa beribadah
Tetap bertakwa pada Tuhan

Bunga kenanga diatas kubur
Pucuk sari pandan Jawa
Apa guna sombong dan takabur
Rusak hati badan binasa

Asam kandis asam gelugur
Ketiga asam si riang-riang
Menangis mayat dipintu kubur
Teringat badan tidak sembahyang
